Islands of Coherence
3-Month Virtual Retreat / May-July 2022
Cultivating Coherence in Community
3-Month Virtual Retreat / May-July 2022
Cultivating Coherence in Community
A personal retreat experience held in a safe harbor of like-hearted community
Retreat Opens May 9th
Add Your Heart
We are in a precarious and potentiated moment on this planet
In this time of chaos, old painful realities are breaking away and new possibilities are calling us inward.
These times require bravery of heart and a unified willingness of spirit beyond anything we may have experienced before.
These times are calling us into coherence, individually and collectively . . .
We are not designed to navigate the chaos alone.
We are designed to unify.

“When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order.”
-Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Laureate
Islands of Coherence Virtual Retreat / May - July 2022
Cultivating Coherence in Community
This 3-month virtual retreat explores three “essential themes” relevant to living a coherent & generative life in these chaotic and changing times
The quality of your presence, the frequency of your awareness and the currency of your contributions have a direct impact on the whole of life
We are a system far from equilibrium right now
and what YOU feed the field matters,
what WE feed the field matters
It is time for Insight, Compassion and Self Esteem
It is time for Self-Responsibility and Aligned Action
A shift in consciousness - One and for All - is possible, tangible, and is occurring now
Are you ready to Prepare for it, Fuel for it and Open to it?
In this evolutionary moment, the most important catalyst of this shift is YOU!
Retreat Opens May 9th
Add Your Heart
Cultivating Coherence in Community
May - July 2022
This 3-month virtual retreat is designed to empower you to bring greater coherence into the heart of your daily life and through you, into the world
a virtual & personal experience
held in the safe harbor of a heart-centered community of practice and purpose

an island of coherence in a sea of chaos
Retreat Opens May 9th
Add Your Heart
Islands of Coherence
3-Month Virtual Retreat begins
May 9th - July 30
This retreat is being hosted in the Islands of Coherence Member Network and represents the launch of a new phase in our community growth, service and care.
We are a member network made up of communities of practice dedicated to personal, social and planetary restoration and thriving.
This retreat provides a shared space, dedicated time frame and core themes to inspire us all to up-level the frequency of what you/we are feeding the field, for the benefit of the self & the good of the whole.
It’s time to plant some new seeds
Are you in?
“In a humanity immersed in underestimation, victimization and lack of responsibility, lies the seed of the ultimate shift, the source of infinite possibilities that will be activated in one instant, the instant you accept that you are here to give, to give it all”
-Edgar Gasson
You don't need to leave home for this retreat
This virtual coherence cultivation retreat is designed to integrate naturally into the heart of your daily life.
This simple and potent retreat experience includes:

Weekly Retreat Gatherings
Exploring our Essential Themes

Optional Meditation, Community
Connection & Embodiment Sessions

Monthly Fireside Chats
with Evolutionary Leaders

Library of Videos, Music,
Websites, & Related Resources
Three essential themes over 3 months
Presence - Resonance - Emergence
We will meet live on zoom, in our private social network and in our hearts throughout this 3-month experience
Wisdom, Music, Movement, Silence, Connection, Heart, Focus, Practice, Purpose, Play...
You decide how deep you will go and how high you will rise into the fullness of your loving presence
Your authentic participation in this retreat is the gift you contribute to the whole.
Your enrollment in this retreat also includes a 1-year membership in the Islands of Coherence Network
This retreat is just the beginning of our ongoing commitment to cultivating coherence in community.
Retreat Investment: $333.00
Includes 1-yr IOC membership (a $300 value)
I am ready to cultivate greater coherence into the heart of my daily life and join with others doing the same for the good of the whole.
invest in becoming your best
We are fueling the future with the choices we make with our money, energy, time and above all, our love
If you need help to attend, please ask
In this evolutionary moment, the most important catalyst of this shift is you!
Meet the Island of Coherence Cohort hosting this retreat experience.

& some of the Evolutionary Leaders who will add their love and wisdom

Supporting Organizations