Global Coherence Pulse Experience - Building Islands of Coherence
September 5th, 2020
Watch the Replays Here
Session 7
Session 8
Coherence is our natural state when we are in a harmonious relationship with life. It’s time to claim it, cultivate it, celebrate it and “Pulse the Planet” with it together!

Session Schedule

Each 2-hour session includes inspiring music, coherence related content & a synchronized Pulse meditation.

Pulse Session #7 - 10am-12:15pm PT
Featured Partner: Claudia Welss, Frank White, Rev. Jeremy Nickel
with musical guest Heartist: Elijah Ray
Bringing the Overview Effect Down to Earth: Our Cosmic Human Heart

The Overview Effect is a phenomenon experienced by astronauts when they see Earth from space, usually involving a direct experience of the Oneness of humanity and our planet. We'll hear from the man who coined the term "Overview Effect" (OE) and consider how it's a powerful tool for building heart coherence — even without going into space. An OE simulation, meditation and "Tone Home" experience will complete our final Global Coherence Pulse Experience morning.

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Claudia Welss is a citizen scientist and pioneer in bridging practical consciousness research with social and technological innovations for world change. She's Chairman of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, founded by Apollo 14 astronaut and 6th man to walk on the moon Capt. Edgar Mitchell, co-founder of the Global Coherence Pulse, and is on the boards of HeartMath's Global Coherence Initiative and Space for Humanity.

Rev. Jeremy D. Nickel is an ordained Unitarian Universalist Minister, currently serving as acting Lead Minister of the UU Congregation of Boulder, CO, as well as the Founder of EvolVR, the world's first VR Sangha and Spiritual community. As part of his role at EvolVR, Jeremy leads weekly Overview Effect themed meditations in Virtual Reality in which groups of people from around the world slowly float from the surface of planet Earth to a near earth orbit.

Frank White is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard College, a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and a Rhodes Scholar. He earned an M.Phil. in Politics from Oxford University.  Frank’s best-known book, The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution, is considered by many to be a seminal work in the field of space exploration. In his latest book, The Cosma Hypothesis: Implications of the Overview Effect, he asks the fundamental question, “What is the purpose of human space exploration?”

Elijah Ray is an international recording artist, vocalist, composer, poet, and multi-instrumentalist with a professional music career spanning more than 17 years.

He produces music that crosses a wide variety of genres...from Acoustic, Soul, Funk, World Beat, R&B, Pop and Rock... to soul stirring Piano Ballads, Symphonic Soundtracks, and Sound Healing.

Elijah, alone, generates a full band sound on most of his tracks, playing almost every instruments and arranging many of his pieces himself. He has mastered the art of solo touring--taking his audience from one dimension to another with just his voice, his loop-pedal and his guitar, Ruby.

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12:15-1:30pm PT Community Integration Lounge - Hosted by Coherence Hotspot
Connect in our community zoom room to share your experiences and insights: PARTICIPATE (Passcode: Heart369 )
Pulse Session #8 - 4pm-6:15pm PT
Featured Presenters/Heartist: Bela Gaia with Kenji Williams, Rhiannon Catalyst
and musical heartists: Kristin Hoffmann, Manose, Cornflower & Marya Stark
Pulsing the Planet with Heart-Centered Coherence

“BELLA GAIA shows you how humans and nature are connected, and how art and science are connected. Itʼs an exploration of the relationship between human civilization and our ecosystem through time and space.”  - Kenji Williams, BELLA GAIA Founder & Director

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Enjoy an evening of beauty, awe, music, celebration, reflection and communion. In this closing session of our month-long Global Coherence Pulse Experience we will continue to explore the “Overview Effect” through a breathtaking Bella Gaia experience. We have also invited a number of our musical heartist back for encore performances to uplift us as we “Pulse the Planet” with the shared heart-centered coherence we have been building together all month long.

In coherence, our impact is exponentially greater than the sum of our parts.

BELLA GAIA is an unprecedented NASA-powered immersive experience, inspired by  astronauts who spoke of the life-changing power of seeing the Earth from space. Illuminating  the BEAUTY of the planet both natural and cultural (BELLA) and the INTERCONNECTEDNESS  of all things on Earth (GAIA), this live concert blends music, dance, technology, and NASA  satellite imagery to turn the stage and screen planetary. 

Support the Beautiful Earth Foundation:

Kenji Williams
Kenji Williams is an Entrepreneur, composer and director for immersive live theater, mixed  reality, and interactive datavisualization, and is the creative director and producer of the NASA powered earth-from-space show, BELLA GAIA. 

Named a "100 Top Creative" by Origin Magazine, a World Technology Network award finalist in  Arts, Entertainment, and Education, and a Grammy voting member, Williams explores the nexus  of art, technology, and transformation, through immersive technology platforms from IMAX,  Fulldome, Holograms, and XR, while still working with traditional theaters and spaces to make  them immersive portals through his unique storytelling methods.  

Williams is an artist in residence at the new Movement Lab at Columbia University, and was an  Artist in Residence and Visiting Scholar at the University of Colorado at Boulder developing a  live 3D Holographic theater show. 

Kenji's unique vision translates into collaborations with orbiting astronauts aboard the  International Space Station, Ocean pioneer Sylvia Earle, Deepak Chopra, to multimedia artist  Paul Miller, earning international film awards from Sundance, Lumen Prize, Canadian Society of  Cinematographers, Science Media Awards, Best Soundtrack Composition at Macau  International Fulldome Film Festival, People's Choice Award Fiske Fulldome Film Festival.  

In it's 10th year, Bella Gaia has toured around the world to 14 countries, presenting over 300  shows, and has a Fulldome movie presenting at planetariums around the world including at  Fantasy Domes / LINQ hotel on the Las Vegas strip.

Kristin Hoffmann
"My goal is to spread love, light, peace and awareness into the world through the vehicles of  music and energetic frequency." – Kristin  

Kristin Hoffmann is a Juilliard trained multi-instrumentalist with a transcendental ability to take audiences  on a journey of deep awakening to Spirit. Her music has been heard on major record labels, film and  television, and she has performed throughout the world, collaborating with creative luminaries on projects  ranging from individual albums to grand symphonic productions. 

A strong advocate for peace and ocean conservation, Kristin has appeared internationally at  environmental concerts and conventions: TEDx San Francisco, The Emoto Peace Project concert in 

Tokyo, the Unity Earth global event series, at the signing of The Fuji Declaration, and with The Royal  Philharmonic Orchestra in London. In August 2016, the symphonic version of her "Song for the Ocean"  was performed at Sydney Opera House by a choir of 800 Australian children. Kristin is the vocalist and  keyboardist for the acclaimed show, BELLA GAIA, the multimedia theater experience created in  conjunction with NASA. She is an inductee of the group Evolutionary Leaders and an active board  member of FIONS (Friends of Institute of Noetic Sciences). 

Rhiannon Catalyst
Rhiannon Catalyst is a multidisciplinary artist, Creative Director, producer, tour manager, and  curator - a 'Catalyst' on a mission to inspire people to feel viscerally how we are all  interconnected and all agents of change through interdisciplinary projects merging art, science,  and healing. She began producing music and events very young with the goal of using the arts  to facilitate change, inspire masses, and empower youth.  

Catalyst has curated and produced soundscapes and immersive experiences for institutions  including the New York Hall of Science, the Rubin Museum of Art, and the Museum of the  Moving Image. She Creative Directed Unity Earth Liftoff and she is the Creative Director and  Co-Producer for Purpose Earth for Peace. Working with immersive theater and haptic  technologies, she is a featured artist and vibrotextiles composer with award-winning technology  incubator Not Impossible, created immersive experience "Homesick" with Harvestworks to  celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11, and she is the featured vocalist in Victoria Vesna's  "Alien Star Dust" created with UCLA's ArtSci Program. She's been featured in books on  underground resistance culture as well as the LA Times, NY Times and more.  

Catalyst began working with BELLA GAIA in 2017 as a transmedia strategist and soon began  managing the ensemble's ongoing shows while building tours and leading collaborations with  the likes of NASA's Jet Propulsion Labs, Yuri's Night LA, NASA Ames, CalTech, planetariums,  and universities across the nation. She believes passionately in the power BELLA GAIA has to  shift consciousness while celebrating the beauty and interconnectedness of the universe, Earth,  and human culture.

Upcoming events:

• Purpose Earth for Peace on November 15th 

• Rhiannon will be featured on the panel "Space and Art: Healing Possibilities of Space  Art in a time of Crisis" with Ars Electronica "Telluric Vibrations" festival on September  11th at 2pm EST:

 • Rhiannon will be singing in immersive scientific guided meditation experience "Alien  Star Dust" created by Victoria Vesna on September 13th at 12pm EST: 

When asked what or who has had the greatest musical influence on his playing, he thinks for a moment and says “this very moment of existence and silence”.

Manose has released four solo CDs and is ever-more popular as a contributing artist for work by everyone from Deva Premal & Miten, and Grammy-nominated Jai Uttal to bluegrass great, Peter Rowan. He has also collaborated with the Chicago Children’s Choir, tabla maestro Swapan Chowdhury, John Densmore of the Doors, and The New Maihar Band, an ensemble created by Ustad Ali Akbar Khan.

Manose has toured all over the world; it is his ongoing pleasure to be Nepal’s musical ambassador to the world. 

More at

Maraya Stark
Marya Stark is a vocalist, composer, performer, and multi-instrumentalist. She is a discoverer of archetypes, a storyteller, bard, and muse.
See full bio -

For music and other offerings from Marya visit her beautiful website:

Cornflower is a vocalist, live-looper and one-man jamband. His music is an organic fusion of Indie Soul, Funk Jazz and World Dub with a Jamband / Live-tronica twist.

Cornflower’s music intends to unite people to celebrate each moment through live, improvised & transformational music.

To Hear More Music -
Watch the Latest Music Video -

Music Gift CornflowerLive recording from Global Coherence Pulse 2020 - Session 2 -

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6:15-7:30pm PT Community Integration Lounge - Hosted by NewStory.Earth
Connect in our community zoom room to share your experiences and insights: PARTICIPATE (Passcode: Heart369 )

Watch Replays from August 22nd sessions with Kimberly Carter Gamble, Niema Lightseed & Shiloh Boss and Jess Magic and Tru Osborne

Check out this exciting new trailer for THRIVE II: This is What it Takes. Focusing on breakthrough solutions, this new movie offers grounded hope when we need it most.

Support the Pulse

This network space and Pulse events are offered as a gift.
If you are inspired by your experience here, we invite you to contribute to the Global Coherence Pulse so that we can continue to offer events like this and empower this growing islands of coherence.
Your gift is tax deductible
If you have the means, please give generously. Every gift whole-heartedly given makes a difference. Together, our potential is unlimited!
“Giving is the secret of abundance.”
- Swami Sivananda

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